Stoke Trampolining & Gymnastics Club (STGC) is primarily concerned with developing and maintaining an environment that is friendly, safe and secure for all participants. Consequently, we follow the best practice guidance as defined in the British Gymnastics Safeguarding & Compliance Policies.
Club Policies are also available for download.
To ensure these policies are complied with, and to provide a confidential line of communication through which concerns can be expressed, STGC have Welfare Officers in place who can be approached or contacted at anytime. The Welfare Officers are:-
Officer 1 - Samantha Summerfield (Trentham)
We have vacancies for a further Welfare Office at Trentham and two at Fenton Manor
The Welfare officers will be present at many of the club training sessions. At all other times, they can be contacted by email via welfare@stoketgc.co.uk
All emails sent to this email address will be automatically forwarded to the personal mailbox of the Welfare officers and will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. Stoke Elite Trampolining Club is committed to acting promptly and fairly to any reported incidents. Full support will be given to the persons concerned and the incident will be dealt with promptly and effectively. As a caring club we expect that any person should feel able to come and tell any Welfare Officer or coach of their concerns and that anyone who witnesses any form of bullying is expected to report it immediately.
What is bullying?
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. It results in pain and distress to the victim.
Bullying can be:
Emotional - being unfriendly, excluding and tormenting (e.g. hiding personal items, threatening gestures).
Physical - Pushing, kicking, hitting or any use of violence.
Racial - Racial taunts, graffiti or gestures.
Verbal - Name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours and teasing.
Sexual - Unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments.
Homophobic - Because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality.
Cyber - All areas of the internet, such as email and internet chat room misuse. Mobile phone threats by texting and making calls. Misuse of associated technology, i.e. Camera and video facilities.
Incident procedures
Reporting of bullying should be done without delay to any Welfare Officer or Coach.
Parents / guardians of all parties will be fully informed of all reported incidents.
Full support will be given to all parties concerned.
Every effort will be made to reconcile situations through mediation. However, in serious cases or repeated incidents suspension or exclusion will be considered.
After the conclusion of any incident each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not occur.